We Need to Talk About:
Food Politics and the Powerless

Join Marion Nestle and Scott Barton as they dig deep into global food politics and corporate opportunism.
Agricultural workers and those who work in the world-wide food-industry are essential contributors to civil society. We all depend on their work. Yet they are physically and economically the most vulnerable of us all to the global Covid-19 pandemic, and they are often voiceless and powerless.
Discussion-leaders Marion Nestle and Scott Barton will start the conversation with an examination of the politics and policies that influence the supply of food worldwide at a time of crisis and beyond. Together, as an international gathering, we'll search for answers in what we know of governmental and private-sector responses - good or bad - that can help us understand and combat the immediate and on-going risks to food supplies, public health, and food justice everywhere on the planet.
Marion Nestle’s long career and writings span food politics and public health, making her a leading voice in understanding and challenging injustices in food systems; she is the author, most recently, of Let’s Ask Marion (University of California Press 2020), blogs at foodpolitics.com and can be found on twitter, @marionnestle.
Scott Alves Barton teaches food studies at New York University; his work is international, with a special focus on food and political resistance in Brazil.