June 2018

The Jewels of Life : A Seed Atelier

We are delighted to introduce one of our evening activities at the 2018 Symposium: jewellery making from seeds and an exhibition led by Gönül Paksoy

Gönül Paksoy, who’ll be conducting after-dinner ateliers in seed-based jewellery at the Symposium, is an İstanbul-based artist, author and designer of clothes and jewellery whose work has been exhibited around the world:

I approach my work in the belief that small efforts will produce a major contribution towards our planet’s future. Learn from the song-thrush, a bird that, after eating its fill of the juniper berries it adores, is said to germinate the seeds in its stomach before placing them in the soil right next to a juniper tree, thus creating a juniper forest. Each of us, if we so choose, can create a great forest just like the song-thrush that places fruit seeds in the soil.

Jewellery designed by Gönül Paksoy, photographs by Lalehan Uysal
Jewellery designed by Gönül Paksoy, photographs by Lalehan Uysal. Seeds from L to R. Top row: pomelo, wild date. Middle row: asparagus, muscat, cardoon. Bottom row: pumpkin, anatolian watermelon.