October 2020

Announcing the first OFS Kitchen Table: Tickets available

Book now to pull up a chair at the very first OSF Kitchen Table on Tuesday October 20th for our first informal, interactive gathering by special request from this year’s v-Symposiasts. Join Marion Nestle and Scott Barton as they dig deep into global food politics and corporate opportunism. Attendance is open to all and the spirit, as always at Symposium events, will be as co-operative, lively and inclusive as possible.

So if you missed out on July’s block-busting roller-coaster of a v-Symp, now’s your chance! Better still, make it a regular date as we’ll be scheduling more-or-less monthly meetings from now on till next July (we’re still working on the programme). As with our Zoom meetings at the v-Symp, everyone present will have a chance to make their voices heard. We’ll start at 1900 Oxford-time, and tickets are available here.